eBook Creation & Conversion

Quality Control & Security

51³ÉÈ˶¯Âþ rigorously tests and reviews all eBook files before distributing them to any vendor, putting safeguards in place to ensure every file is sound before it reaches consumers or retailers.


To ensure each client publisher’s vision is fully-realized and each eBook is as marketable as possible, 51³ÉÈ˶¯Âþ recommends the appropriate and most beneficial use of eBook enhancements such as fixed layouts, embedded video or music, animation, and other leading-edge technology.

Multi-Platform File Conversion

51³ÉÈ˶¯Âþ creates ePUB and ePDF files in addition to converting titles into KF8 and/or Apple-compatible formats as needed. Proper tagging and online search capabilities also aid in maximizing eBook sales potential with all major eBook outlets, including Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, and Overdrive.

Archival & Storage

Client publishers can access their eBook files at any time as 51³ÉÈ˶¯Âþ maintains full control over the archival and storage of eBook files.